Answer The Call

Your soul is waiting!

Have you ever received a message from the divine but second guessed it? Have you ever felt like you have spoke to someone telepathically? Our souls are connected and our intuition is the key to unlocking these messages. The good news is we all have intuitive ability whether you know it or not. I can show you what it is that you have, how it works and how to improve it! This course is complete with exercises, meditations, and tools that with unlock your full intuitive potential. 

Heal Relationships

There are many benefits to improving your Intuition. They include healing relationships with those who are among us and those that have passed. This course will show you how to use your intuition to its fullest!


  • 1

    Welcome To The Course!

    • Introduction To Your Instructor

    • A message from the instructor

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Chapter #1 Intuitive Senses

    • Introduction To Course

    • Clairsentience And Your Intuition

    • Clairvoyance And Your Intuition

    • Clairaudience And Your Intuition

    • Claircognizance And Your Intuition

  • 3

    Chapter #2 Intuitive Blocks

    • Intuitive Blocks

  • 4

    Chapter #3 Understanding Ego (Fear) Vs. Intuition

    • Ego Vs. Intuition

    • Test Your Intuition

  • 5

    Chapter #4 Intuition Exercises

    • Strengthen Your Intuition

    • Muscle Testing

  • 6

    Chapter #5 Angels and Intuition

    • Heavenly Team

  • 7

    Chapter #6 Strengthening your Intuition

    • Soul Connection

    • Clearing Meditation

  • 8

    Chapter #7 Intuitive Tools

    • Introduction To Intuitive Tools

    • Abundance

    • Clearing Blocks, Ego Vs. Soul

    • Focus On Healing

    • Your Power And Your Purpose

    • Clearing And Connection Meditation

    • Intuition And Soul Connection

    • Physical Healing

    • Forgiveness And Relationships

    • What Lights You Up?

    • Manifesting

  • 9


    • Intuition Course Workbook

    • Private Facebook Group

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

About Your Instructor

Angel Messages Course Instructor

Michell Powers

Hi. I'm Michell Powers. I'm very pleased to be your instructor through the Angel Messages Online Course. My goal is to teach you how to access your divine messages from your angels so that you have additional support to help carry out your mission here on earth. Please complete this course to gain a lifetime opportunity to learn from me and the angels around you that will spiritually awaken your soul and purpose in life. 


Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Intuitive Excersizes

  • Soul to Soul Connection

  • Clearing Blocks

  • Meditations

  • Manifesting

  • Muscle Testing
